[mou] 300!- Thanks for the complements

Bob Dunlap rmdbird@mn.rr.com
Mon, 6 Oct 2003 20:54:27 -0500

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My sincere thanks to everyone who has congratulated me on being the =
youngest person in state history to see 300 species in a year.  I hope =
this will be an example for younger birders to look up to, and I hope I =
have shown everyone that birding isn't just for people over 40.  I must =
give my thanks to the two people who have been key to my birding =
successes: my parents.  Without their love and support, I would not be =
the birder I am today.
-Bob Dunlap
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>My sincere thanks to everyone who has =
me on being the youngest person in state history to see 300 species in a =

year.&nbsp; I hope this will be an example&nbsp;for younger birders =
up to, and I hope I have shown everyone that birding isn't just for =
people over=20
40.&nbsp; I must give my thanks to the two people who have been key to =
birding successes: my parents.&nbsp; Without their love and support, I =
would not=20
be the birder I am today.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>-Bob Dunlap</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
