[mou] Red Lake County - Red-bellied Woodpecker & Trumpeter Swans - 10/6/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 7 Oct 2003 08:59:51 EDT

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While birding in Red Lake County today, I spotted the following unusual 
species for the area.

@ Trumpeter Swan - Two adult Trumpeter Swans were in the first pond at the 
Red Lake Sewage Ponds
@ American Golden Plover - 100+ American Golden Plovers were observed in the 
field to the South of the Red Lake Sewage Ponds.
@ Red-bellied Woodpecker - An Adult Female Red-bellied Woodpecker was 
observed feeding and calling in the dead trees at the Old Crossing Treaty Wayside.

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>While birding in Red Lake County today, I spotted the following unusual=
 species for the area.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Trumpeter Swan -&nbsp;Two adult Trumpeter Swans were&nbsp;in the firs=
t pond at the Red Lake Sewage Ponds</DIV>
<DIV>@ American Golden Plover - 100+ American Golden Plovers were observed i=
n the field to the South of the Red Lake Sewage Ponds.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Red-bellied Woodpecker - An Adult Female Red-bellied Woodpecker was o=
bserved feeding and calling in the dead trees at the Old Crossing Treaty Way=
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></BODY></HTM=
