[mou] Birding Festival Training

Cindy Schneider Cindy.Schneider@state.mn.us
Thu, 09 Oct 2003 14:21:05 -0500

Birding Festival and Event Training: The Minnesota Office of Tourism is
planning a one-day workshop "How to Organize a Birding or Nature
Festival" with nationally accredited trainer, Nancy Millar, executive
director of the McAllen Texas Convention and Visitors Bureau, on
Wednesday, November 19 at the St. James Hotel in Red Wing.  

This workshop will introduce you to the benefits of capturing the
wildlife watching recreational market with a step-by-step organizational
manual for promoting and implementing an event in your area.  A seminar
rate of $68 per person includes continental breakfast, lunch and
workshop materials.   

Contact the Minnesota Office of Tourism at 800-657-3637 for more
information, or e-mail Cindy Schneider at cindy.schneider@state.mn.us 

Lodging is available at the St. James Hotel for the special rate of
$79; call 800-252-1875.