[mou] Re: RFI--date for northern CBCs

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Sat, 11 Oct 2003 11:54:59 -0500

The Duluth CBC will be held on Saturday, December 20th.  People 
interested in participating should contact me by e-mail or phone (218-

The date for the Two Harbors count will be determined soon.

Jim Lind

**please note my new e-mail address: jslind@frontiernet.net

> Can anyone tell me when the Duluth, Isabella, Two Harbors, Grand
> Marais, and Sax-Zim CBCs are scheduled this year?  Now that the
> official dates no longer necessarily begin on a Saturday, some of the
> smaller CBCs may actually occur before the Duluth one does.  Thanks!!
> Laura Erickson
> Duluth, MN