[mou] photograph of bird flock

Sara Luecke sluecke@smm.org
Wed, 15 Oct 2003 17:32:06 -0500

I'm looking for a bird photograph to use in an exhibit at the Science 
Museum of Minnesota, I hope you don't mind my posting this request on 
the MOU list-serve.

I'm looking for a photograph of a large flock of birds flying 
together.  Species isn't particularly important, and since I'm not a 
birder I don't even know which species form the kind of flocks I have 
in mind. The kind of flock I'm looking for is made up of hundreds or 
maybe even thousands of small birds who form a large mass swooping 
and swerving together.  I think I've most often seen them when 
driving on I-90 in Southwestern Minnesota.  Hopefully this 
description gives you some idea of what I'm looking for.

If you have a photograph of this kind of flock or know where I might 
be able to find one, I would really appreciate hearing back from you.

Thanks! Sara