[mou] 2 Short-eared Owls, etc-Duluth

sparky stensaas sparkystensaas@hotmail.com
Thu, 16 Oct 2003 17:42:53 +0000

About 10:40 am I flushed a Short-eared Owl from the tiny cattail marsh in 
the southeast corner of 40th Avenue West in Duluth. Two minutes later I 
scared up a second Short-eared Owl that was almost immediately stooped on by 
a male Northern Harrier. From my low vantage point I could not see where the 
owls landed but they did fly over the impoundment and not over the bay. They 
may be hunting 40th Avenue West at dusk tonight.

Directions: Exit 35W at 40th Avenue West, go towards the harbor and park at 
the yellow gate, walk in the dirt road, cross the railroad tracks and go 
left and down the perimeter road. The owls were flushed from the cattail 
marsh in the impoundment at the far end where the road turns right.

Park Point: Several 1st winter Snow Buntings in with a flock of several 
hundred Longspurs along the airport runways. (Had a flock of 8 Snow Buntings 
yesterday near Oliver Wisconsin)

Also at 40th...
1 Nashville Warbler in breeding plumage
6-plus Harris's Sparrows (all 1st winter birds) (5-plus in the southwest 
corner and 1 along the road near the entrance gate) (Plus another Harris's 
at Park Point behind the airplane hangars)
2 Lincoln's Sparrows
20-plus White-crowned Sparrows
30-plus Savannah Sparrows
80-plus Juncos
1 White-throated Sparrow
3 Song Sparrows
2 Fox Sparrows
1 Swamp Sparrow
100-plus American Tree Sparrows
150-plus Lapland Longspurs
2 American Pipits
1 Gadwall
2 Northern Pintails
20-plus Green-winged Teal

Sparky Stensaas

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