[mou] Ibis sp - Lyon county

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Sat, 18 Oct 2003 00:07:41 EDT

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I had the pleasure of adding another bird to the Yard list at my Mothers in 
Cottonwood, Lyon county, this makes 231. I had just filled the bird feeders at 
my Mothers place at 7:45 this morning when I was surprised to have an Ibis fly 
by and fly to Sham Lake about 1/2 miles east of Cottonwood. I quickly drove 
down to Sham and was able to get a good binocular look and a short Scope look 
at the bird. Unfortunately a better look still only showed a dark Ibis. It 
appeared to be an adult bird with glossy plumage but the fact I could not see any 
white on the face still would not preclude a White-faced Ibis. After just a 
few minutes it again took flight and headed southeast and I was not able to 
follow it. 

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f">I had the pleasure of adding another bird to the Yard list at my Mothers=20=
in Cottonwood, Lyon county, this makes 231. I had just filled the bird feede=
rs at my Mothers place at 7:45 this morning when I was surprised to have an=20=
Ibis fly by and fly to Sham Lake about 1/2 miles east of Cottonwood. I quick=
ly drove down to Sham and was able to get a good binocular look and a short=20=
Scope look at&nbsp;the bird. Unfortunately a better look still only showed a=
 dark Ibis. It appeared to be an adult bird with glossy plumage but the fact=
 I could not see any&nbsp;white on the face still would not preclude a White=
-faced Ibis. After just a few minutes it again took flight and headed southe=
ast and I was not able to&nbsp;follow it.&nbsp;</BODY></HTML>
