[mou] Re: Whooper Swans

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Thu, 30 Oct 2003 20:17:38 -0600

If the records committee even considered this record it would be very
misleading.  As many birders in the Twin cities are aware there was a
breeder in, I believe Washignton County or one of the other eastern
counties, that has allowed young birds to take flight before clipping their
wings.  If he is still doing so or not would take some investigation.  Also
some of the past birds could easily be still around.  None of these birds
had bands, etc.

As a result I have seen Whoopers at least three of the last 10 years and I
remember hearing of other sightings as well.  Most of the active birders
from the early and mid 90's will remember the regular occurances of this
species at Black Dog and other unfrozen spots in the fall and winter.

Dennis Martin