[mou] whooper swan records

McBride, James E. "Jamie" jmcbride@minneapolisparks.org
Fri, 31 Oct 2003 12:41:48 -0600

Would it be possible to keep this a place to post birds sightings and =
not worry about what the records committee will or won't accept. As a =
naturalist and avid birder I appreciate reports of bird sightings and =
often use the info for my job. I get these messages at work and have =
recently become overrun by numerous discussions of other things...

Or, Maybe I should just keep my thoughts to myself...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Williams [mailto:two-jays@att.net]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 2:13 PM
To: MOU-net
Subject: [mou] whooper swan records

Dennis Martin writes:

<If the records committee even considered this record it would be very

How can it be misleading to consider the record? To dismiss it out of =
certainly is misleading. The latter suggests that the possibility of a =
bird does not exist, when clearly it does.

A responsible committee would give serious consideration to any record
submitted to it, considering all circumstances and history, to be sure, =
not assuming that history always repeats itself.

I will assume that MOURC is a responsible committee, and hope that =
submits this Whooper Swan record for its consideration.

Jim Williams

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