[mou] Birding in Savannah State Forest

Mathias Schaust Jr. matt@northernexposuregetaway.com
Wed, 10 Sep 2003 10:15:51 -0500

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On Monday Sept. 8th while hiking in the Savannah state Forest, located =
in Aitkin Co. MN, we came to the west savannah riverside and to our =
suprise a Great Blue Heron was directly in front of us feeding. He flew =
a few yards up the river, landed and watched us. Then he flew back and =
landed on a branch above us, where we watched him preen his feathers for =
a while. The brush between us kept interfering in my digital picture =
taking, so Matt went back to the car to get the camcorder. Mr. Heron =
waited patiently for Matt's return, and just  as we focused the camera =
on him, he decided to fly directly over us, when he was above us he put =
on a show, he tightly circled and what seemed very clumsily, crashed =
into the tree tops, flitting from one to another, and then tried to rest =
on the top of a spruce tree, which  would not support his weight. From =
there he swooped down and landed on a horizontal branch, across the =
river, in front of us, and perched there semi-hidden while we filmed him =
watching us. The whole time we were very clumsily handling our camera =
gear, and he seemed as interested in us as we were him. Later we came to =
the conclusion that he was waiting for us to leave his feeding ground.  =
He put on quite the 'show' for us, and we hope to see him again next =
Later on our 'journey' from the dock of "Wolf Lake" we spotted a =
Loggerhead Shrike. He was kind enough to fly in front of us and land in =
a tree closeby. On our way home we noticed an American Kestrel Hawk =
hunting from his powerline perch.  For those of you interested in the =
footage of the Great Blue Heron, it will be posted on our website =
shortly. May there be a bird in your day!
Enjoy the feathered friends!  Matt & Laurie


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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>On Monday Sept. 8th while hiking in the =
state Forest, located in Aitkin Co. MN, we came to the west savannah =
and to our suprise a Great Blue Heron was directly in front of us =
feeding. He=20
flew a few yards up the river, landed and watched us. Then he flew back =
landed on a branch above us, where we watched him preen his feathers for =
while. The brush between us kept interfering in my digital picture =
taking, so=20
Matt went back to the car to get the camcorder. Mr. Heron waited =
patiently for=20
Matt's return, and&nbsp;just&nbsp;&nbsp;as we focused the camera on him, =
decided to fly directly over us, when he was above us he put on a show, =
tightly circled and what seemed very clumsily, crashed into the tree =
flitting from one to another, and then tried to rest on the top of a =
tree, which&nbsp; would not support his weight. From there he swooped =
down and=20
landed on a horizontal branch, across the river,&nbsp;in front of us, =
perched there semi-hidden while we filmed him watching us. The whole =
time we=20
were very clumsily handling our camera gear, and he seemed as interested =
in us=20
as we were him. Later we came to the conclusion that he was waiting for =
us to=20
leave his feeding ground.&nbsp; He put on quite the 'show' for us, and =
we hope=20
to see him again next week.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Later on our 'journey' from the dock of =
"Wolf Lake"=20
we spotted a Loggerhead Shrike. He was kind enough to fly in front of us =
land in a tree closeby. On our way home we noticed an American Kestrel =
hunting from his powerline perch.&nbsp; For those of you interested in =
footage of the Great Blue Heron, it will be posted on our website =
shortly. May=20
there be a bird in your day!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Enjoy the feathered friends!&nbsp; Matt =
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