[mou] 4th Annual Great MN River Birding Day

Williams, Bob BXWilliams@CBBURNET.COM
Mon, 15 Sep 2003 16:34:20 -0500

You can help celebrate the completion of the MN River Valley Birding
Trail by doing what you enjoy most, birding!  We would like to get as
many of you as possible out into the valley this Saturday, September 20
to help raise public awareness of the important birding habitats that we
have included on the birding trail.  Information about this new trail is
available on our website at www.birdingtrail.org and in printed guides
that are now available at a number of locations throughout the valley.
On previous birding days we have had as many as 30 teams of birders
scattered throughout the watershed and have identified over 170 species.
We hope to exceed those numbers this year and so far it looks as if the
weather might cooperate. If you would like to participate in this event,
please contact Bob Williams at 612-728-2232 or by e-mail at
bxwilliams@cbburnet.com  There will be a rally Saturday afternoon from
2-4 at the Ney Environmental Learning Center in Henderson (about 50
miles SW of the Metro Area along the MN River) where there will be
refreshments and a chance to boast about all the birds you found that
morning.  Attendance at the rally is optional.  This year we will have
birders from as far away as Japan joining us, so get out your binoculars
and scopes and help us celebrate the opening of this exciting new trail.
	Bob Williams, Bloomington