[mou] Western Minnesota

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Tue, 16 Sep 2003 21:45:49 -0500

We just got back from three days in Becker, Norman, Mahnomen, Polk, and Red
Lake counties.  Monday the 15th was also a good raptor day in that area so
the birds were moving south across a very broad front.  We weren't counting
but observed large numbers of Bald Eagles, sharp-shins, red-tails, a few
broadwings, a couple of merlins and osprey, and a single swainson's in Red
Lake county.

Best bird of the trip was a Short-eared Owl in northern Becker County, just
south of the Waubun marsh WMA , at dusk on the 14th.

Dennis and Barbara Martin