[mou] RE: [CALBIRDS] Sabine's Gull migration

Luke Cole luke@igc.org
Sat, 20 Sep 2003 11:15:15 -0700


Sabine's gulls are common offshore migrants in the fall, usually
relatively far offshore (e.g. we don't see the main migration from
shore, but you can see hundreds if you are 10-50 miles offshore).  Each
fall a few are found inland (including inland inland like Minnesota!).
Some years there are major irruptions inland, sometimes probably due to
weather and other times probably due to significant breeding success
(and thus more birds to wander).  Two years ago there were about 20
Sabine's gulls on Lake Tahoe and they were seen widely throughout
interior California.  Perhaps this is another good year for them over

Luke Cole
San Francisco, CA