[mou] Birding Software

Kelly Larson larson@redwing.net
Fri, 26 Sep 2003 15:57:57 -0500

    A good customer of mine was in the store today and asked if I could
suggest some birding software with audio files. I could have made
several suggestions but this gentleman has some special needs. David has
been feeding birds for many years and his interest is growing. This past
spring he purchased his first audio field guides and is learning to
identify the birds by sound. This is the only way he can identify birds,
David is legally blind. He would like to have greater access to birding
information, especially sound files on his PC computer. He uses a speech
recognition software called Window Eyes 4.5. Does anyone on the list
know if one of the birding software products available will interface
with Window-Eyes?
Kelly Larson
Feathered Friend
Red Wing, MN

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