[mou] Superior Entry update

Kim R. Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Sun, 28 Sep 2003 13:34:54 -0500

To update Tony's earlier posting on the birds at the Superior Entry this
morning..... I just talked to Mike Hendrickson who said it was best for now
to just call it a probable Pomarine Jaeger. Also an adult light-morph
Parasitic Jaeger later flew by both sides of the Superior Entry. (The
Superior Entry is the shipping channel which separates the S tip of Park
Point in Duluth from the N tip of Wisconsin Point in Superior.) These
jaegers and the juvenile Sabine's Gull were all spotted/seen by various
observers who were mostly part of a WSO field trip. There were also
reportedly as many as 4 Sabine's Gulls there yesterday seen by the WSO
birders plus a juvenile Great Black-backed Gull.

Meanwhile at the 40th Ave West Erie Pier area this morning, a group of us
briefly saw a flock of 8 Bohemian Waxwing where the road crosses the
railroad tracks, but they flew off and could not be relocated. Lots of
other birds present at 40th but nothing else of particular significance
this morning.

Kim Eckert