[mou] Westskyline Hawk Count-Update 4/1

Bjboreal@aol.com Bjboreal@aol.com
Thu, 1 Apr 2004 23:22:47 EST

Westskyline Hawkwatch, Duluth, MN.

Flight continues at the WSHC.=20

Today's flight (1 April) was counted under blue skies and northeast=20

winds at the Thompson Hill lookout. The flight of 1,182 raptors was made up=20
of predominately Red-tailed Hawks, which should be the most numberus species=
for the next two weeks or so, and the numbers of Bald Eagles will be droppin=
off steadily.
Today's total of 1,182 include the following:  Turkey Vulture-14, Bald=20
Eagle-184, Northern Harrier-3, Sharp-shinned Hawk-7, Cooper's Hawk-1, Red-ta=
Hawk-942 (5 adult dark morph), Rough-legged Hawk-25 and Golden Eagle-6.

Non-raptors included 8 Common Merganser, 100+ redpolls, 200+Bohiem Waxwings=20
and the first Sandhill Crane of the season.

Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in the hawkwatch and=20

need any information.

February 23-April 1  YTD Total

Turkey Vulture-18


Bald Eagle-2937

Northern Harrier-7

Sharp-shinned Hawk-28

Cooper's Hawk-7

Northern Goshawk-13

Red-shouldered Hawk-1

Broad-winged Hawk-0

Red-tailed Hawk-1303

Swainson's Hawk-0  =20

Rough-legged Hawk-61

Golden Eagle-104

Am. Kestrel-1




Submitted by:

    Frank Nicoletti and Dave Carman

    Duluth, Minnesota

Hawk Watch Site: West Skyline Hawk Count

Location: West Skyline Parkway, Duluth, Minnesota 55804

GPS: Lat. N 46=E2=88=9E50'48.0" and Long. W 92=E2=88=9E01'53.5"

Coverage: Late Feb - Late May