[mou] Redpolls Northern Itasca Co

drmeyer drmeyer@bigfork.net
Wed, 7 Apr 2004 08:33:37 -0500

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Since March 18th when the first Redpoll showed up at my banding station =
in Northern Itasca Co. thru April 5th I have banded over 1200 Redpolls, =
seven of which were Hoary's.  The peak of the influx was on March 29th =
when 337 were banded.  There are just a few left in the area. =20

Dennis Meyer 
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Since March 18th when the first Redpoll =
showed up=20
at my banding station in Northern Itasca Co. thru April 5th I have =
banded over=20
1200 Redpolls, seven of which were Hoary's.&nbsp; The peak of =
was on March 29th when 337 were banded.&nbsp;&nbsp;There are just a few =
left in=20
the area.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Dennis =
