[mou] birds everwhere.....scott co.

sharrie slafleur@mchsi.com
Fri, 9 Apr 2004 06:28:58 -0700

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i saw so many birds yesterday it was hard to concentrate on =
working..plus i had just bought a new zoom lens, never did get any =
pictures cuz the birds are way quicker than the school van.. hehehe..
anyhow, i saw my turkey vultures again.. actually twice.. or just more =
of them.. they were flying in the same place only with about 15 more =
relatives...and then i ran into another group of about 30 in  the =
minnesota river area, about 5miles north of me..do they alway fly or =
stay in flocks ? or is it just migration.? also do they mate for life, =
or just the season..? and do they always migrate ?  i also saw a kestel =
and redtail both by mystic lake, and about 2 dozen wild turkeys with a =
big ole puffed male standing guard.. first time that i have seen them on =
the side of the road , they are usually off in the distance..my 13yr =
old, is catching the bug,, yesterday was the second time he came =
bursting in to the house yelling about birds ""MOM are those turkey =
vulture things you told me about big and black with white under them... =
their at the park ."" he even thought they looked awesome flying... then =
on the way to his friends i had him check out a couple buffleheads with =
the binoculars, and we were able to see the crest go up and down and his =
comment was..... oooh.. punk rock birds.. oh well, through the eyes of a =
child huh ....
plus :
2 white cranes=20
2 blue cranes
2 king fishers
bunch of wood ducks
and some kind of geese, that have all black necks, i keep trying to get =
a better look at these
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>i saw so many birds yesterday it was hard to =
on working..plus i had just bought a new zoom lens, never did get any =
cuz the birds are way quicker than the school van.. =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>anyhow, i saw my turkey vultures again.. =
actually twice..=20
or just more of them.. they were flying in the same place only with =
about 15=20
more relatives...and then i ran into another group of about 30&nbsp;in =
minnesota river area, about 5miles north of me..do they alway fly or =
stay in=20
flocks ? or is it just migration.? also do they mate for life, or just =
season..? and do they always migrate ?&nbsp; i also saw a kestel and =
both by mystic lake, and about 2 dozen wild turkeys with a big ole =
puffed male=20
standing guard.. first time that i have seen them on the side of the =
road , they=20
are usually off in the distance..my 13yr old, is catching the bug,, =
was the second time he came bursting in to the house yelling about=20
birds&nbsp;""MOM are those turkey vulture things you told me about big =
and black=20
with white under them... their at the park ."" he even thought they =
awesome flying... then on the way to his friends i had him check out a =
buffleheads with the binoculars, and we were able to see the crest go up =
down and his comment was..... oooh.. punk rock birds.. oh well, through =
the eyes=20
of a child huh ....</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>sharrie</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>plus :</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>2 white cranes </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>2 blue cranes</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>2 king fishers</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>bunch of wood&nbsp;ducks</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>and some kind of geese, that have all black =
necks, i keep=20
trying to get a better look at these</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
