[mou] Night attacks

sharrie slafleur@mchsi.com
Sat, 10 Apr 2004 10:35:10 -0700

this last attack was right around dawn and i didnt notice any feather left
in the tree, but the others two attacks i did..at first i thought it was a
cat till i saw the feathers had been up in the trees..never a body tho..just
feathers from the initial attack..i have been trying to find the owls now
for two weeks with no luck.. of course i cant go hunting through everyones
yards either..i just figured it was owls cuz it seemed to happened over
night...i did have a hawk snatch a sparrow right out the yard last
year..hmmm.. i sure would love to find where they are nesting (the owls that

thank-you for all good info..i will watch a little closer in the morning
when i am off to work.. shari

----- Original Message -----
From: <sharonks@mn.rr.com>
To: "sharrie" <slafleur@mchsi.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: [mou] Night attacks

> Hi Shari
> Great-horned owls have young right now and if you have been hearing
hooting chances are they have been nesting in the area and won't be gone
until the young fledge in a few weeks.
> snipped