[mou] White-faced Ibis at Lake Byllesby, Dakota County

Bob Dunlap rmdbird@mn.rr.com
Fri, 16 Apr 2004 14:23:50 -0500

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I ran into Conny Brunell and Leslie Marcus at Lake Byllesby this =
morning. They were both already on the ibis when I arrived.  After =
studying the bird from quite a distance from the beach below the =
cemetery (west end of lake), I drove down some of the residential =
streets to the east for closer vantage points.  I was given permission =
by a man along Enger Ct. to walk into his backyard and view the lake =
from there.  I went back to get Conny and Leslie, and the three of us =
were able to view the bird at a closer range and in better light.  We =
were able to see the pink facial skin surrounded by clean white =
feathering, with this feathering surrounding the entire facial area =
(including behind the eye).  The eyes were bright red in color.  From =
these characteristics, a hybrid White-faced x Glossy ibis can be ruled =
out, making this bird an adult White-faced Ibis.
After we observed the bird from this spot, the ibis moved behind some =
pelicans out of site.  We drove to the street just west of here, Endres =
Way, and also got permission to walk onto the beachline from two =
homeowners at the end of this street.  These two houses had excellent =
views of the west side of the lake (where all the mudflats currently =
are), and we observed the ibis in excellent light from a distance of =
about 100 yards.  There was another house to the left of these houses at =
the end of the street as well, but one member of this household seemed =
EXTREMELY hostile toward birders.  This house didn't have as good a view =
of the lake as the other two anyway.
We left around 12:30, and as we left the bird was still present with a =
group of pelicans on the mudflats.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I ran into Conny Brunell and Leslie =
Marcus at Lake=20
Byllesby this morning. They were both already on the ibis when I =
After studying the bird from quite a distance from the beach below the =
(west end of lake), I drove down some of the residential streets to the =
east for=20
closer vantage points.&nbsp; I was given permission by a man along Enger =
Ct. to=20
walk into his backyard and view the lake from there.&nbsp; I went back =
to get=20
Conny and Leslie, and the three of us were able to view the bird at a =
range and in better light.&nbsp; We were able to see the pink facial =
surrounded by clean white feathering, with this feathering surrounding =
entire facial area (including behind the eye).&nbsp; The eyes were =
bright red in=20
color.&nbsp; From these characteristics, a hybrid White-faced&nbsp;x=20
Glossy&nbsp;ibis can be ruled out, making this bird an adult White-faced =

<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>After we observed the bird from this =
spot, the ibis=20
moved behind some pelicans out of site.&nbsp; We drove to the street =
just west=20
of here, Endres Way,&nbsp;and also got permission to walk&nbsp;onto the=20
beachline&nbsp;from two homeowners at the end of this street.&nbsp; =
These two=20
houses had excellent views of the west side of the lake (where all the =
currently are), and we observed the ibis in excellent light&nbsp;from a =
of about 100 yards.&nbsp; There was another house to the left of these =
houses at=20
the end of the street as well, but one member of this household seemed =
hostile toward birders.&nbsp; This house didn't have as good a view of =
the lake=20
as the other two anyway.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>We left around 12:30, and as we left =
the bird was=20
still present with a group of pelicans on the mudflats.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>-Bob Dunlap, Carver County</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>
