[mou] Hudsonian Godwits not found - Lewiston

Chad Aakre chadaakre@hotmail.com
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 14:50:46 -0500

Hey Folks,

I stopped at Lewiston today to see if the godwits were still there.  I was 
there from 10:30 to about 11 and they had not been located.   There were a 
bunch of birders there patiently waiting for the birds.  Paul Pederson had 
been there the longest and he said that when he arrived there were hundreds 
of shorebirds which sounds right from last night.  He scanned them quickly 
and saw nothing big enough to be a godwit and then started to look in detail 
when a raptor flew over and everything left.   And I mean everything!!   
When I arrived, there were about 20 to 30 Pectoral Sandpipers, 2 Dunlin, and 
2 Least Sandpipers.   So when I left the godwits were not there.     Connie 
Brunell and Leslie Marcus were there and said that they had stopped at 
Byllsby (how the heck do you spell that) and the Ibis was also not there.   
So one day wonders I guess.   Get out there.... I think they are heading 
your way.

Good birding!!

Chad Aakre
Winona County

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