[mou] Smith's Longspurs

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Sat, 17 Apr 2004 22:24:14 -0500

Today on the way down to try to locate the Brown Pelican I decided to stop 
at Red Rock Prairie in Cottonwood County. I just couldn't justify driving 
within six miles of it and not stopping. So there I was wandering around the 
prairie, hoping to view some Smith's in breeding plumage. When I was about 
in the middle of the prairie I heard the distinct Smith's Longspur flight 
call above me. I looked up in time to view 4 Smith's Longspurs heading 
straight into the wind, giving me a little extra viewing time. I never got 
to see the cool black-and-white face pattern, I wish I could've found where 
they landed, but the wind made it almost impossible to hear them unless they 
were right above you.
P.S. I also never found the Brown Pelican, I did have a flock of about 50 
Snow Geese south of Worthington though.

Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie, Todd County

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