[mou] Long-tailed Duck still there

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 21:18:42 EDT

The Long-tailed Duck reported by Connie and Leslie earlier today is still at 
the 180th St. Marsh - at least as of 5:45 pm.  He's still in the 2nd pool 
heading east on 180th, south side of the road.  He was towards the back of the 
water, looking alertly at the nearby Bald Eagles.  In spite of the rain, I was 
able to get nice scoped looks at this beauty nearing full breeding plumage.  He 
shows a little mottling still.
I also saw Tree, Barn and Northern Rough-winged Swallows over the marsh.  Two 
Savannah and one Vesper Sparrow in the fields at the inter section of Fischer 
and 180th rounded out a nice wet outing.

For the rest of this post, anyone looking for sightings can delete.  

Where, o where were my brethren birders??!!  Has everyone seen a 
near-breeding plumaged diving duck in a southern tier MN county marsh?  I hoped to see 
others there - especially as I locked myself out of my car.  The nice farm family 
let me join in their birthday celebration - gave me ice cream cake!  If I 
hadn't walked up that hill, I would have missed the sparrows.  Still and all - 
where was everyone!?

Linda Sparling
Still damp behind the ears
Hennepin County (or as the farm folk were thinking, a clueless city slicker)