[mou] Osprey at Diamond Lake (south MPLS)

Heidi Ferguson Heidi.Ferguson@mci.com
Wed, 21 Apr 2004 10:00:52 -0500

This morning my brother and I were getting in a little urban bird =
We stopped by Diamond Lake to check out the ducks.  While there an adult
Osprey circled and then finally dove.  It retrieved a rather orange =
fish.  If flew to the east after that.  (Corner of Diamond lake and =
in south MPLS). =20

	Other birds seen:   12 YR warblers
	Ruddy Ducks, Pair Buffleheads, Piebilled Grebes, Lesser Scaup, Ring
Billed, Shovellers, 1 Wood Duck
	 and a large flock of tree swallows. =20

	At Woodlake this am we also saw:
	Hermit Thrush, Northern flicker, Both types of Kinglets, Eastern
Phoebe, BW Teal, Piebilled Grebe, A pair of Red Heads , a White throated
sparrows, goldfinches and an Egret. We also stumbled onto about 10 tree
swallows sitting on the hand railing over the water.    They allowed us =
get within a few feet without budging.  It was nice because usually they =
in constant flight when I see them. =20

Heidi Ferguson
Saint Paul=20