[mou] Wildlife Tour Marketing

Paul Budde Paul.Budde@us.benfieldgroup.com
Fri, 23 Apr 2004 13:07:38 -0500

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DATE:		April 23, 2004

TO:		Wildlife and Birding Guides and Tour Operators

FROM:	      Carrol Henderson
		DNR Non-Game Wildlife

            Colleen Tollefson
		Minnesota Office of Tourism

SUBJECT:	Wildlife Tour Marketing

For a number of years, the Department of Natural Resources and the
Office of Tourism have been working together on the development of
wildlife tourism in Minnesota.  One of our current projects is to
enhance the awareness and promotion of guided wildlife and birding
tours.  We would like to meet with both the individuals and businesses
that offer these tours to talk about ways we can work together on their

The meeting will be Thursday, May 20 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Historic
Fort Snelling, in the Officers' Quarters room.  Enter through the
Visitor Center, then continue down the pathway into the Fort, where
staff will be on hand to direct you. =20

Historic Fort Snelling is located at the junction of Minnesota Highways
5 and 55, one mile east of the Twin Cities International Airport.  For a
detailed map, go to www.mnhs.org, click on "Historic Sites", then choose
"Historic Fort Snelling". =20

The agenda for the meeting will include:

Wildlife marketing
Wildlife tours
Birding festivals and trails
Networking with tourism businesses and organizations
Creating value
Developing the product - the Sax Zim Bog work in progress

Please RSVP your attendance to Cindy Schneider at 800-657-3637,
651-297-2333 or cindy.schneider@state.mn.us.  We look forward to working
with you!  =20

Cindy Schneider, Industry Relations Unit
Minnesota Office of Tourism
121 East 7th Place, #100
St. Paul, MN  55101
Phone: 651/297-2333    1-800-657-3637
Fax:  651/296-7095

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<TITLE>Wildlife Tour Marketing</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">DATE:&nbsp;&nbsp; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; April 23, 2004</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">TO:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wildlife and Birding Guides =
and Tour Operators</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">FROM:&nbsp;&nbsp; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Carrol Henderson</FONT>

<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <FONT SIZE=3D2 =
FACE=3D"Courier New">DNR Non-Game Wildlife</FONT>

<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <FONT SIZE=3D2 =
FACE=3D"Courier New">651-296-0700</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier =
New">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
Colleen Tollefson</FONT>

<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <FONT SIZE=3D2 =
FACE=3D"Courier New">Minnesota Office of Tourism</FONT>

<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <FONT SIZE=3D2 =
FACE=3D"Courier New">800-657-3637</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier =
New">SUBJECT:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wildlife Tour =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">For a number of years, the =
Department of Natural Resources and the Office of Tourism have been =
working together on the development of wildlife tourism in =
Minnesota.&nbsp; One of our current projects is to enhance the awareness =
and promotion of guided wildlife and birding tours.&nbsp; We would like =
to meet with both the individuals and businesses that offer these tours =
to talk about ways we can work together on their promotion.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">The meeting will be Thursday, May =
20 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Historic Fort Snelling, in the Officers' =
Quarters room.&nbsp; Enter through the Visitor Center, then continue =
down the pathway into the Fort, where staff will be on hand to direct =
you.&nbsp; </FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Historic Fort Snelling is located =
at the junction of Minnesota Highways 5 and 55, one mile east of the =
Twin Cities International Airport.&nbsp; For a detailed map, go to =
</FONT><A HREF=3D"file://www.mnhs.org"><U><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" =
SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">www.mnhs.org</FONT></U></A><FONT SIZE=3D2 =
FACE=3D"Courier New">, click on &quot;Historic Sites&quot;, then choose =
&quot;Historic Fort Snelling&quot;.&nbsp; </FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">The agenda for the meeting will =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Wildlife marketing</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Wildlife tours</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Birding festivals and =

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Networking with tourism =
businesses and organizations</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Creating value</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Developing the product - the Sax =
Zim Bog work in progress</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Please RSVP your attendance to =
Cindy Schneider at 800-657-3637, 651-297-2333 or =
cindy.schneider@state.mn.us.&nbsp; We look forward to working</FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">with you!&nbsp;&nbsp; </FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Cindy Schneider, Industry =
Relations Unit</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Minnesota Office of =

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">121 East 7th Place, #100</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">St. Paul, MN&nbsp; 55101</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Phone: =
651/297-2333&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1-800-657-3637</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier New">Fax:&nbsp; 651/296-7095</FONT>

<BR><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier =

<BR><A HREF=3D"file://www.exploreminnesota.com"><U><FONT =
COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Courier =
