[mou] Louisiana Waterthrush-Houston Co.

Richard Hoyme RHoyme@msn.com
Sat, 24 Apr 2004 18:58:31 -0500

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Louisiana Waterthrush have returned to Beaver Creek Valley State Park. I =
saw or heard 4 maybe 5 individuals in two areas. The first one was on a =
trail I rarely take. The main trail splits a short ways out and I =
usually take the left trail, but this time I took the right trial =
(something rock trail?) there is a little bridge that goes down hill. As =
I stepped on the bridge a small bird flushed up to a tree and gave a =
loud chip note. I was pretty sure it was "the bird". It sat in a tree =
chipping which made it easy to find and sure enough, it was the =
waterthrush. As I moved on a second bird flew towards the first and =
started chipping. I also thought I heard a third chip from another =

When I returned to the parking lot, I heard another waterthrush singing =
this time to the right of the bridge as you face the parking lot. =
Another waterthrush a little farther up was chipping as the other sang.

other recent arrivals - Eastern Towhee, Field Sparrow, Orange-crowned =
Warbler. Only a couple of shorebirds in Houston Co. Both Yellowlegs and =
Snipe near Wildcat Landing.

Rick Hoyme
Hennepin County

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<DIV>Louisiana Waterthrush have returned to Beaver Creek Valley State =
Park. I=20
saw or heard 4 maybe 5 individuals in two areas. The first one was on a =
trail I=20
rarely take. The main trail splits a short ways out and I usually take =
the left=20
trail, but this time I took the right trial (something rock trail?) =
there is a=20
little bridge that goes down hill. As I stepped on the bridge a small =
flushed up to a tree and gave a loud chip note. I was pretty sure it was =
bird". It sat in a tree chipping which made it easy to find and sure =
enough, it=20
was the waterthrush. As I moved on a second bird flew towards the first =
started chipping. I also thought I heard a third chip from another =
<DIV>When I returned to the parking lot, I heard another waterthrush =
this time to the right of the bridge as you face the parking lot. =
waterthrush a little farther up was chipping as the other sang.</DIV>
<DIV>other recent arrivals - Eastern Towhee, Field Sparrow, =
Warbler. Only a couple of shorebirds in Houston Co. Both Yellowlegs and =
near Wildcat Landing.</DIV>
<DIV>Rick Hoyme<BR>Hennepin County</DIV></BODY></HTML>
