[mou] Wood Lake's new arrivals, Hennepin County

Conny Brunell connyb@mycidco.com
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 09:58:21

I enjoy going out after a rain it feels so refreshing, and all the new greenery looks so lush.  This early morning in Wood Lake Nature Center in Richfield, Hennepin County there were a few new arrivals, and a surprise that brightened up my morning.

The Palm Warblers were back singing that buzzy trill, and you could see that bright yellow supercilium and dark eye line, rusty cap, and yellow from the throat all the way to its undertail coverts while it was walking on the ground  pumping that tail.

Rounding the Marsh on the inside trail I could hear the persistent "kidik-kidik" call of one very vocal Virginia Rail the whole time I was walking by.  The Barn Swallows have also returned to Woodl Lake where they have nested for years, though in declining numbers.

Now here's the surprise!  A Ross's Goose was on the east side hanging tight with two Canada's.  I checked out the field marks closely it was 40 feet or so away, and my guess is that it is probally the same one that has been in Bloomington a few miles away.  

When someone asks me don't you know enough to come in out of the rain?  I say no, you can miss to many good birds that way!!!!!!!!!

Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty