[mou] Loon alert-Dakota Co.

Jim_Mattsson@fws.gov Jim_Mattsson@fws.gov
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 08:48:07 -0500

This is a heads up. This morning at 6:35am, while walking my dog,  I
watched a small, basic plumaged loon fly over low at only about 100-125ft
above ground. Its wing beat was noticeably rapid. I have been seeing
several Common Loons in flight recently and new it was not that species.
It appeared small headed due to its smallish bill.   While in view, the
bird continually moved its head from above to below level plane,  thus I
could not tell if the bill was tilted upward or not.  It looked and behaved
like a Red-throated Loon, a rare regular species that has not been recorded
in Dakota County.   It was so low that I assumed it was looking for a
suitable body of water on which to land.

Location: Lebanon Hills Regional Park. About 1/2 mile NW of the
intersection of Dodd Rd. and 120th St. West.

The bird was heading due west. I did not have time to chase after it.
There are several small lakes in the park, and Black Dog Lake is always a
likely spot to check. But, of course, any area lake is a possibility as

Jim Mattsson