[mou] shorebird workshop rarities

fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Mon, 2 Aug 2004 12:30:16 -0600

Thank you Doug Buri, presenters, and all the USFWS staff for putting on
another great shorebird workshop!

Before anyone goes racing off to look for the WW dove, BBW duck or even
Clark's Grebe, please be advised that many good birders spent time looking
for these species shortly or immediately after they were reported, and
neither the dove nor duck were refound.  The dove sighting was brief, and
the duck sighting was of an immature bird (as I understand it) making ID
more challenging.  There were observers at the dove sight from 15 min.
after its discovery until almost dark (4 hrs).  I am not questioning the ID
of these birds (that is the difficult job of the records committee), merely
informing readers of your chances if you decide to chase.

Also, as Keith already alluded to, he spotted the Clark's grebe prior to
myself.  Had I not been helping with a survey yesterday, I would not have
been fortunate enough to be at Thielke at the "right time" to relocate this
bird.  Indeed, I know of several good birders who checked the lake several
times over the weekend and did not see this species.

Of course, if anyone does relocate the WW dove or BBW duck, please share
this with the rest of the group.

Lastly, I am indebted to Peder Svingen, Phil Chu and Karl Bardon for the
survey work they have been doing in western Minnesota that have turned up
some of these exceptional shorebird finds.

Randy Frederickson