[mou] Dakota Cnty birding spots report

Thu, 12 Aug 2004 22:15:59 EDT

Birded N. Dakota County this afternoon. Lake Byllesby is still high. No 
mudflats were visible from the Park at the west end. Sod farms at Castle Rock had 
only a few Killdeer and swallows...same at the Empire sod farms. The 180th St 
marsh had one Spotted Sandpiper, but some mud at the edges of the ponds looked 
attractive. The 140th St. marsh had nothing of note. Saw two Loggerhead Shrike 
on Dakota 80S just west of its intersection with Dakota Cnty 79. Saw 7-8 
Redtail Hawks, 4 Coopers Hawks (One pair and two singles), three Eagles and one 
Harrier. The Eagles were soaring at Schaars Bluff. A beautiful afternoon but 
nothing unusual by way of birding.

    John Ellis, St. Paul