[mou] Bird Book Request

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Thu, 19 Aug 2004 20:29:50 -0500

This showed up in the mou mailbox and I thought I would pass it on in case
anyone can help this man in his quest for books.  Please reply directly to
him if you are able to help him out.

Sharon Stiteler
MOU Membership Secretary

=A0 My name is Jos=E9=A0 Mer=EDzio=A0 Jr, I am 23 Years old . I live in=A0 Londrina
city, north of Paran=E1 state, south of Brazil.

=A0 I am a Entusiast Birder, tracer and painter of Birds of South America

. I am writing this e-mail, therefore I would like to ask for=A0 a favor, and
I will be very grateful if it would be considered=8A

. I am coursing=A0 the third=A0 year of Biology in the University Publishes of
my city, and in the future I intend to make specialization in Ornithology.

=A0 Per five years, I have developed=A0 works with communities residents in
ambiental protection areas,

(Atlantic Rainforest HotSpot)

=A0 I make lessons and lectures to childrens=A0 in=A0 schools of my city and
neighboring cities.

=A0Still I am not filiated=A0 to no Group or ONG, and make this work by myself.

=A0Unhappyly I am poor, and I possess little material to make researches and

 I have just the support from Publishes Library of my City and the Internet

I do not intend to stop with my work and I always want to=A0 acquiring
knowledge to alert

=A0the people for the importance of the preservation of the Birds and the
regions where they lives.

For this reason I want to ask for your support through the donation of any
books of the collection

HANDBOOK OF THE BIRDS OF THE WORLD (HBW). I am asking for these books
because they are=A0 the most complete collection on Onithology. And these
books has ben a dream for me in my work.

I am asking for this favor therefore I do not know who to appeal, and I nee=
very much of some new


. If you could help me I would=A0 be very grateful.

 I am sending my address and I am hopeful=A0  for your support=A0 in my project
of life: The protection of Birds.

Thank you very much for its attention=8A.


This is may address:


Jos=E9 Mer=EDzio Junior

Rua Bahia, 1023

CEP 86025-010

Londrina PR=A0=A0=A0  Brazil
