[mou] Purgatory Creek rec area

Alex Cruz, Jr. acruzie@hotmail.com
Fri, 20 Aug 2004 19:00:24 -0700

Hi Birders,

Just returned from a lovely evening at Purgatory Creek Rec Area in Eden 
Prairie and we saw one buff-breasted! It was seen in the more distant of the 
two grassy mudflats (as described by DKieser). Fortunately, little by little 
it moved in closer (within 20m) and we were able to get great looks just 
with our binocs. A couple with a scope came by and we then got amazing 
looks-thanks so much to them. The golden light was perfect this time of day 
(around 730pm). A life bird for myself and Dan Karvonen.

We also had great up-close looks at a Solitary Sandpiper (single, like its 
namsake), yellowlegs, lots of Pec Pipers, and Caspian terns.


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