[mou] Peregrine Falcon, Carver County

Bob Dunlap rmdbird@mn.rr.com
Sun, 29 Aug 2004 19:01:46 -0500

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Around 6:30 this evening I noticed what I first thought was a juvenile =
crow flying short distances from treetop to treetop in a neighbor's =
yard.  It was raining at the time, and viewing from my bedroom window =
made it difficult to identify the bird without optics.  After watching =
it for a couple of seconds I realized that it was one of the larger =
falcons.  When it stopped and perched on a treetop, I quickly set up my =
scope.  I was delighted to see a juvenile Peregrine Falcon perched there =
in the rain.  The bird was cooperative for several minutes, allowing my =
parents to have a look through my scope.  I'm guessing that this was one =
of the birds raised from a Peregrine pair in the Minnesota River valley =
not far from my house, although I've never seen one around my yard until =
-Bob Dunlap, Chaska
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Around 6:30 this evening I noticed what =
first&nbsp;thought was a juvenile crow flying short distances from =
treetop to=20
treetop in a neighbor's yard.&nbsp; It was raining at the time, and =
viewing from=20
my bedroom window made it difficult to identify the bird without =
After watching it for a couple of seconds I realized that it was one of =
larger falcons.&nbsp; When it stopped and perched on a treetop, I =
quickly set up=20
my scope.&nbsp; I was delighted to see a juvenile Peregrine Falcon =
perched there=20
in the rain.&nbsp; The bird was cooperative for several minutes, =
allowing my=20
parents to have a look through my scope.&nbsp; I'm guessing that this =
was one of=20
the birds raised from a Peregrine pair&nbsp;in the Minnesota River =
valley not=20
far from my house, although I've never seen one around my yard until =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>-Bob Dunlap, =
