[mou] partial albino GGO

Steve Foss stfcatfish@yahoo.com
Thu, 2 Dec 2004 18:29:44 -0800 (PST)

About 3:30 p.m. today, I saw a great gray owl hunting in
the ditch on the side of Hwy. 169, 3.5 miles west/south of
Ely. When it flew off to the north, I saw that it had four
or five pure white feathers on its right wing. This is not
the owl I saw in the city limits of Ely recently, and,
since the white feathers are easily seen when it's flying,
it's likely this constitutes a new bird.

Don't know how common partial albinism is in owls in
general or GGOs in particular. I know it's not overly
uncommon in house sparrows and robins.

While my camera was nearby, when I put it up to my eye the
lens was fogged and the bird flew out of sight. Call it
Murphy's law or call it operator error.


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