[mou] partial albino GGO

Byokel@aol.com Byokel@aol.com
Thu, 2 Dec 2004 22:06:16 EST

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My Wife spotted and GGOW with white feathers in both wings not far from our 
house about 1 week ago (possibly the same bird found a few days earlier by 
Chris Neri; I have not been able to relocate this bird).  Karen Sussman and I saw 
a completely white GGOW on Admiral Rd (788), 4 miles S of Zim Rd (27) on 14 
November, but as far as I know, this bird has not been relocated (although this 
same bird or another white GGOW was present a few miles S of this location in 
May).  Add this to the Melanistic GGOW found by Mark Alt on 27 November, and 
this makes at least 4 birds with aberrant pigmentation (along with hundreds of 
birds with normal coloration).
Pentti Alaja and Heimo Mikkola have apparently published information about 
albinism in GGOW, but thus far I have unable to locate this information...

Ben Yokel
Cotton, MN

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Steve<BR>
My Wife spotted and GGOW with white feathers in both wings not far from our=20=
house about 1 week ago (possibly the same bird found a few days earlier by C=
hris Neri; I have not been able to relocate this bird).&nbsp; Karen Sussman=20=
and I saw a completely white GGOW on Admiral Rd (788), 4 miles S of Zim Rd (=
27) on 14 November, but as far as I know, this bird has not been relocated (=
although this same bird or another white GGOW was present a few miles S of t=
his location in May).&nbsp; Add this to the Melanistic GGOW found by Mark Al=
t on 27 November, and this makes at least 4 birds with aberrant pigmentation=
 (along with hundreds of birds with normal coloration).<BR>
Pentti Alaja and Heimo Mikkola have apparently published information about a=
lbinism in GGOW, but thus far I have unable to locate this information...<BR=
Ben Yokel<BR>
Cotton, MN</FONT></HTML>
