[mou] Partial Albino GGOW

Byokel@aol.com Byokel@aol.com
Sun, 5 Dec 2004 22:24:21 EST

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Numerous GGOW and NHOW continue in the Sax-Zim area.  Noteworthy was a very 
tolerant bird on Melrude Rd (59), 2 miles N of 52 (Comstock Lk Rd) with pure 
white patches on the greater coverts bilaterally.  This bird (or a similar one) 
was present 4-5 miles N of this location last weekend.  We were unable to 
locate either the melanistic GGOW on Munger Shaw or the white GGOW on Admiral Rd 
(788) today.
"Our" GGOW continues on a daily basis -- in fact, it was the first bird we 
saw when we looked out our bedroom window this AM!

Ben Yokel
Cotton, MN

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Numerous GGOW and NHOW continue in=20=
the Sax-Zim area.&nbsp; Noteworthy was a very tolerant bird on Melrude Rd (5=
9), 2 miles N of 52 (Comstock Lk Rd) with pure white patches on the greater=20=
coverts bilaterally.&nbsp; This bird (or a similar one) was present 4-5 mile=
s N of this location last weekend.&nbsp; We were unable to locate either the=
 melanistic GGOW on Munger Shaw or the white GGOW on Admiral Rd (788) today.=
"Our" GGOW continues on a daily basis -- in fact, it was the first bird we s=
aw when we looked out our bedroom window this AM!<BR>
Ben Yokel<BR>
Cotton, MN</FONT></HTML>
