[mou] Looking for a CBC that needs you?

ignacio_magpie@rohair.com ignacio_magpie@rohair.com
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 09:39:41 -0600 (CST)

The following CBCs have the lowest average number of participants per year
during the last 15 seasons - averaging less than 10 field watchers per

With 177 square miles to cover on the CBC, every-BODY counts. If you can
swing it, consider assisting one of these CBCs. Hey Look! There's even
some that are NOT on December 18th!

Hibbing                 2.8     (01/01)?
Cottonwood              3.9     (12/15)
Baudette                4.7     (12/28)
Fairmont                4.7     (12/18)
Beltrami Island         5.4     (12/29)
Morris                  5.5     (12/18)
Marshall                5.8     (12/18)
Lamberton               6.0     (12/16)
Little Falls            6.2     (12/19)
Carlton-Cloquet         6.6     (12/26)?
Lac qui Parle           6.9     (12/22)
Roseau                  7.1     (01/02)
Cedar Creek Bog         7.1     (12/19)
Crookston               7.2     (12/18)
Itasca State Park       7.6     (12/26)
Warren                  8.1     (12/26)?
International Falls     8.3     (12/18)
St. Cloud-Collegeville  8.6     (12/18)
Sax-Zim                 8.7     (12/20)
New Ulm                 9.0     (01/02)
Aurora                  9.3     (12/18)

The Minnesota CBC... Still Counting after all these years!