FW: [mou] FW: Diver feeding behavior - more feedback

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Tue, 7 Dec 2004 09:19:21 -0600

[Mark Alt Comments] I have received emails asking for directions to pool
8. I believe pool 8 is the pool above the #8 lock and dam on the
Mississippi, below Wabasha.
There are no numbers anywhere labeling it, so can someone post a set of
good directions?  I find it by driving south on hwy 61 and turning off
when I see ducks. This methodology is better replaced with a set of good
directions.  Thanks in advance.

The F&W does aerial surveys Pools 4-13 weekly, weather
& budget permitting. Their count for Pool 8 reaches up
to 70,000-80,000, the largest number on any pool. Pool
9 at Lynxville, WI/Harper's Ferry, IA also has big
numbers. These counts are available from the F&W. Try
your area Upper Miss. R. Refuge office for how to
receive the counts on line. I don't think the aerial
counters can ID every Ruddy D. or Hooded M. let alone
pick out Greater from L. Scaup or a stray scoter. So
it is an estimation, not a census.

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse =20

--- "Alt, Mark" <Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com> wrote:

> How do we know what the pool #'s are? When I saw the
> large flocks of
> Can's, I recalled your earlier message about this
> feeding behavior so I
> was looking for it, thanks. I got it on film, it
> really is pretty
> furious action.
> Mark Alt=20
> Sr. Project Manager=20
> Entertainment Software Supply Chain=20
> Project Resources Group (PRG)=20
> Best Buy Co., Inc.=20
> Mark.Alt@BestBuy.com=20
> (W) 612-291-6717=20
> (Cell) 612-803-9085
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fred lesher [mailto:corax6330@yahoo.com]=20
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 8:35 AM
> To: Alt, Mark
> Subject: Re: [mou] FW: Diver feeding behavior - more
> feedback
> Mark Alt et al: I have watched the furious flock
> feeding, diving, swimming behavior of Cans often on
> Pool 8 & elsewhere. Not sure they are after a
> stationary food item/s.=20
> Yes. Pool 8 has to be a world class site to view
> numbers of waterfowl. It has not always been that
> way,
> and the F&WS is doing exclosures and screens to
> study
> what & how much the birds are consuming. Will the
> Pool
> remain a feeding/fueling stop for waterfowl in these
> numbers? Silt & sediment is a threat, and drawdowns
> to
> stimulate plant growth are not always popular with
> dock owners & fishermen. Pool 7 at LaCrosse is void
> of
> waterfowl in the eastern half of the Pool, at least
> in
> the fall.
> Fred Lesher, LaCrosse
> --- "Alt, Mark" <Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com> wrote:
> > FYI. Another informative response
> >=20
> > =20
> >=20
> > Mark Alt=20
> > Sr. Project Manager=20
> > Entertainment Software Supply Chain=20
> > Project Resources Group (PRG)=20
> > Best Buy Co., Inc.=20
> > Mark.Alt@BestBuy.com=20
> > (W) 612-291-6717=20
> > (Cell) 612-803-9085
> >=20
> > =20
> >=20
> > =20
> >=20
> > ________________________________
> >=20
> > From: Pjantscher@aol.com
> [mailto:Pjantscher@aol.com]
> >=20
> > Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 5:19 PM
> > To: Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
> > Subject: Diver feeding behavior
> >=20
> > =20
> >=20
> > Mark, regarding your feeding duck observations, I
> > agree with John, the
> > Cans & Rings were likely feeding on Vegetation or
> > (more likely) zebra
> > mussels. When the duck surfaces, they often
> > rearrange the mussels (or
> > vegetation) in their bill before choking it down
> and
> > you can often see
> > the food item then. Divers, particularly Cans,
> often
> > display that
> > "frantic" raft/diving behavior you described. I
> have
> > pet diving ducks,
> > the action of one duck diving seems to stimulate
> the
> > others. I've
> > witnessed the "mad dash" of feeding Canvasbacks on
> > pool #8 numerous
> > times. They are constantly diving and moving
> forward
> > in the raft, as if
> > in some sort of race.=20
> > P.S. I was at pool #8 this past Sunday, talk about
> a
> > spectacle!  If
> > you're interested in seeing really LARGE numbers
> of
> > waterfowl, that is
> > the place to be.=20
> >=20
> >=20
> >=20
> >=20
> 	=09
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