[mnbird] FW: [mou] FW: Diver feeding behavior - more feedback

John Schladweiler john.schladweiler@dnr.state.mn.us
Tue, 07 Dec 2004 10:14:52 -0600

Fred Lesher has just posted location and directions to Pool 8.  For
everyones benefit, the locations of the lock and dam numbers are as
listed below.  Unfortunately, these are not marked on the DeLorme maps. 
The rough location is marked on the official MN State highway map. 
Obviously, the pools are upstream of the lock and dams.

Lock & Dam #1 - At the Ford Plant in St. Paul
#2 - Just upstream of Hastings
#3 - Prairie Island at Red Wing
#4 - Alma Wisconsin (near Kellog MN)
#5 - Near John Latsch State Park in Winona Co.
#5A - Just upstream of Winona
#6 - Trempelaleau Wisc (Near O.L. Kipp State Park in Winona Co)
#7 - LaCrosse
#8 - Reno MN

John Schladweiler
New Ulm

>>> "Alt, Mark" <Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com> Tuesday, December 07, 2004 >>>
[Mark Alt Comments] I have received emails asking for directions to
8. I believe pool 8 is the pool above the #8 lock and dam on the
Mississippi, below Wabasha.
There are no numbers anywhere labeling it, so can someone post a set
good directions?  I find it by driving south on hwy 61 and turning off
when I see ducks. This methodology is better replaced with a set of
directions.  Thanks in advance.

The F&W does aerial surveys Pools 4-13 weekly, weather
& budget permitting. Their count for Pool 8 reaches up
to 70,000-80,000, the largest number on any pool. Pool
9 at Lynxville, WI/Harper's Ferry, IA also has big
numbers. These counts are available from the F&W. Try
your area Upper Miss. R. Refuge office for how to
receive the counts on line. I don't think the aerial
counters can ID every Ruddy D. or Hooded M. let alone
pick out Greater from L. Scaup or a stray scoter. So
it is an estimation, not a census.

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse  

--- "Alt, Mark" <Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com> wrote:

> How do we know what the pool #'s are? When I saw the
> large flocks of
> Can's, I recalled your earlier message about this
> feeding behavior so I
> was looking for it, thanks. I got it on film, it
> really is pretty
> furious action.
> Mark Alt 
> Sr. Project Manager 
> Entertainment Software Supply Chain 
> Project Resources Group (PRG) 
> Best Buy Co., Inc. 
> Mark.Alt@BestBuy.com 
> (W) 612-291-6717 
> (Cell) 612-803-9085
> -----Original Message-----
> From: fred lesher [mailto:corax6330@yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 8:35 AM
> To: Alt, Mark
> Subject: Re: [mou] FW: Diver feeding behavior - more
> feedback
> Mark Alt et al: I have watched the furious flock
> feeding, diving, swimming behavior of Cans often on
> Pool 8 & elsewhere. Not sure they are after a
> stationary food item/s. 
> Yes. Pool 8 has to be a world class site to view
> numbers of waterfowl. It has not always been that
> way,
> and the F&WS is doing exclosures and screens to
> study
> what & how much the birds are consuming. Will the
> Pool
> remain a feeding/fueling stop for waterfowl in these
> numbers? Silt & sediment is a threat, and drawdowns
> to
> stimulate plant growth are not always popular with
> dock owners & fishermen. Pool 7 at LaCrosse is void
> of
> waterfowl in the eastern half of the Pool, at least
> in
> the fall.
> Fred Lesher, LaCrosse
> --- "Alt, Mark" <Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com> wrote:
> > FYI. Another informative response
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Mark Alt 
> > Sr. Project Manager 
> > Entertainment Software Supply Chain 
> > Project Resources Group (PRG) 
> > Best Buy Co., Inc. 
> > Mark.Alt@BestBuy.com 
> > (W) 612-291-6717 
> > (Cell) 612-803-9085
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > ________________________________
> > 
> > From: Pjantscher@aol.com 
> [mailto:Pjantscher@aol.com] 
> > 
> > Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 5:19 PM
> > To: Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com 
> > Subject: Diver feeding behavior
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Mark, regarding your feeding duck observations, I
> > agree with John, the
> > Cans & Rings were likely feeding on Vegetation or
> > (more likely) zebra
> > mussels. When the duck surfaces, they often
> > rearrange the mussels (or
> > vegetation) in their bill before choking it down
> and
> > you can often see
> > the food item then. Divers, particularly Cans,
> often
> > display that
> > "frantic" raft/diving behavior you described. I
> have
> > pet diving ducks,
> > the action of one duck diving seems to stimulate
> the
> > others. I've
> > witnessed the "mad dash" of feeding Canvasbacks on
> > pool #8 numerous
> > times. They are constantly diving and moving
> forward
> > in the raft, as if
> > in some sort of race. 
> > P.S. I was at pool #8 this past Sunday, talk about
> a
> > spectacle!  If
> > you're interested in seeing really LARGE numbers
> of
> > waterfowl, that is
> > the place to be. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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