[mou] More on Birders and Empty Skies

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Mon, 13 Dec 2004 10:52:10 -0600

I want to share some contact information I received regarding 
yesterday's messages about wildlife conservation efforts (Dennis 
Anderson column, C14, Sunday Mpls Star Tribune, Empty Skies). Make the 
effort. Make the contacts. Speak up. You might also want to lend 
support directly to Anderson. His email address is 
Jim Williams

Begin forwarded message:

From: Charles Kessler <ckessler@acegroup.cc>
Date: December 13, 2004 9:32:00 AM CST
To: Jim Williams <two-jays@att.net>
Cc: Mnbird@lists.mnbird.net, Dan McGuiness <dmcguiness@audubon.org>, 
Brad Redlin <bredlin@iwla.org>
Subject: Re: [mnbird] Re: Birders and Empty Skies


The programs necessary are in place.  The need is for funding.  With 
more funds DNR can shorten that time frame considerably.  They have $20 
million in approved wetland acquisitions in the pipeline.  They need 
the funds.  Contact your legislators about supporting game and non-game 
species through the DNR budget.

The Corps of Engineers habitat restoration (HREP) on the Upper 
Mississippi needs support at the federal level. Write your Congressman 
and Senators.

Both Audubon and the Izaak Walton League have active programs in 
support of HREP and other conservation projects.  Contact Dan 
McGuinness at Audubon (651)-260-6260 or Brad Redlin at Izaak Walton 
(651) 649-1446.  They would welcome the participation.  If you want to 
see what's happening on the Upper Miss. go to 
http://www.mvp.usace.army.mil/environment/default.asp?pageid=74.  You 
might also want to contact the Upper Mississippi NWR office nearest 
you. Check http://midwest.fws.gov/uppermississippiriver/ for the 
district closest to you. They are always happy to get more people 

Anyone can join Ducks Unlimited.  The annual membership is only $25.  
To see what DU is doing for all wildlife go to http://www.ducks.org/