[mou] Tomorrow! Tomorrow! CBC Season starts Tomorrow!

ignacio_magpie@rohair.com ignacio_magpie@rohair.com
Mon, 13 Dec 2004 14:28:20 -0600 (CST)

It's only a day away... well... for Minnesota its actually two days away
since the first CBC of the season - Cottonwood - is on the 15th. (The
official Audubon CBC season is Dec 14 - Jan 5 each year)

Several CBCs occur DURING the week for those of you with flexible
schedules that can't get enough excercise during the holiday season.
Cottonwood (Dec 15th) and Lamberton (Dec 16th) are mid-week this week,
while Sax-Zim (20th), Tamarac NWR (22nd), and Lac qui Parle (22nd) are
during the week before Christmas. The week after Christmas has Baudette
(28th), Beltrami Island (29th), and Pine County (29th) scheduled, and the
Whitewater River Valley CBC (Jan 5, 2005) is on the last day of the count

Need to find a CBC? All MN CBCs are listed alphabetically at:
http://www.rohair.com/CBC/cal/viewAll.php while the web page for the
calendar is: http://www.rohair.com/CBC/cal/calendar.php

The Minnesota CBC... Still Counting afetr al these years!