[mou] Cottonwood count and Lac Qui Parle counts

Pmegeland@aol.com Pmegeland@aol.com
Mon, 13 Dec 2004 19:49:07 EST

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Always room for more  participants. The Cottonwood count is this  Wednesday  
and the Lac Qui Parle count is next Wednesday the 22nd. Please  let me know if 
you can participate!!
I'll be away from my computer starting about noon tomorrow until next  Sunday 
morning. I'll be out doing Christmas counts. My cell phone number should  you 
need it is 952-240-3322. If you respond please give me your telephone number  
as well.

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<DIV>Always room for more&nbsp; participants. The Cottonwood count is this=20
Wednesday&nbsp; and the Lac Qui Parle count is next Wednesday the 22nd. Plea=
let me know if you can participate!!</DIV>
<DIV>I'll be away from my computer starting about noon tomorrow until next=20
Sunday morning. I'll be out doing Christmas counts. My cell phone number sho=
you need it is 952-240-3322. If you respond please give me your telephone nu=
as well.</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
