[mou] St Louis County - 12/13/04

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Wed, 15 Dec 2004 06:24:52 EST

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Spent the day observing birds in St. Louis county with Jeanne Specht and  Ben 
Pearson.  As previously reported large numbers of Owls are still  present in 
the Sax/Zim area.  With CR 7 being the most productive road for  Owls for us.  
Other species observed were:
Sharp-tailed Grouse - CR 29, about 2.5 miles N of CR 133 - single bird  
observed sitting on a hay bail
Black-billed Magpie - Noon - CR 29N and CR 133
Northern Shrike - 1 observed on CR 319 and another along CR 7, just N of CR  
Common Redpoll - CR 29, good numbers were observed at 2 feeding stations  
about 3 miles N of CR 133.

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<DIV>Spent the day observing birds in St. Louis county with Jeanne Specht an=
Ben Pearson.&nbsp;&nbsp;As previously reported large numbers of Owls are sti=
present in the Sax/Zim area.&nbsp; With CR 7 being the most productive road=20=
Owls for us.&nbsp;&nbsp;Other species observed were:</DIV>
<DIV>Sharp-tailed Grouse - CR 29, about 2.5 miles N of CR 133 - single bird=20
observed sitting on a hay bail</DIV>
<DIV>Black-billed Magpie - Noon - CR 29N and CR 133</DIV>
<DIV>Northern Shrike - 1 observed on CR 319 and another along CR 7, just N o=
f CR=20
<DIV>Common Redpoll - CR 29, good numbers were observed at 2 feeding station=
about 3 miles N of CR 133.</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
