[mou] Chippewa Co. Hawk Owl & others

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Thu, 16 Dec 2004 10:32:31 -0600

Northern Hawk Owl-I thought I would update everyone on the status of the 
Chippewa County Hawk Owl. Yesterday(Dec 15) I drove to the area and after a 
little searching I found it actively hunting the area. I didn't find it on 
the telephone poles along the road, so I parked in a pull off on the east 
side of the road. There is a trail that goes east from the lot that runs 
along some trees to the south. After the end of the line of trees, there is 
a small conifer stand. The Hawk Owl was in the stand of conifers, perched 
atop a Red Cedar.

Eurasian Collared Doves-I saw 2 EC Doves yesterday in Appleton, Swift 
County. They were located as you leave town going south on Hwy 7. They were 
perched on the utility wires near the Grain Elevators.

Snow Geese-At Lac Qui Parle resevoir south of the Hawk Owl on CR32 there 
were 7 Snow Geese mixed in with the thousands of Canada Geese standing on 
the ice.

Ben Fritchman
Long Prairie, MN(till Jan. 10)