[mou] Black Dog- Glaucous Gull, siskins, pelicans

Fri, 24 Dec 2004 13:15:03 EST

Hey Minnesota Birders-

John Ellis and I birded Black Dog and the Bloomington areas of the Minnesota 
Valley NWR this morning, with some success.  We totalled 33 species in a few 
hours of birding.

Black Dog Lake:
1st-year Glaucous Gull at the west end of Black Dog Lake
2 American White Pelicans.  I assume these birds have been seen before?
Green-winged Teal - a lone female in with mallards
Common Goldeneye - one bird in with common mergansers
Hooded Merganser - at the outflow - no GBB Gull

Old Cedar Avenue-  Poking around we found a feeder in an apartment building 
just across from the gardening business just before the road dead-ends at the 
Old Cedar Bridge.  There were at least 5-6 PINE SISKINS, a grackle, and a 
Northern Flicker.

And finally, between the Bass Ponds and the refuge head-quarters, we spotted 
a PEREGRINE FALCON flying north.

Also, yesterday my dad had 2 COMMON REDPOLLS at his feeder on Saint Clair 
avenue in Saint Paul.  Good yard birds for the metro area.

Good birding-

Jesse Ellis