[mou] Possible owl killings

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 21:51:48 -0600

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Today while leaving Sax Zim Bog along Co. Rd 133 I saw a red truck =
pulled over on the west bound lane. As my car approached I saw a man =
walk across the road and toss something in the air. I was wondering what =
could he tossed in the air.  All I saw was something give a white flash =
and then the man walked backed to his truck.

I stopped opposite of him along the shoulder and looked in the direction =
of where he tossed that object. What I saw was a dead great grey owl =
hanging up side down in a tree over the ditch.  I looked at the truck =
and saw a small boy in a hunter orange hood look at me. I asked him, " =
hey did you just hit that owl with your truck and toss it in the tree" ? =
 Then I saw the boy's father in the ditch next to or lamost under a =
brush pile setting something with his hands. The man yelled " What did =
he say"? and the boy repeated my question to the man and the man yelled =
at me " I found the owl in the ditch and tossed it over to the other =
side".  I looked at him and watch his hands and noticed he was setting a =
trap with his hands for mammals. The man looked agitated as I stared at =
him and I decided to drive off. I could not reach the owl in the tree =
and I called a friend who might have connections to get the owl carcass =
out of the tree.

As I think about it more the whole situation did not make sense to me. =
Why in the world would a person pick up a owl near his trap and toss it =
over to the other side and in a tree? I quickly figured out that the guy =
was using some sort of bait that attracted mice or other small prey and =
the owl came in and hit the trap and set if off and the owl died. Of =
course that made more sense than what this guy told me.  What is even =
stranger is I called Tony Hertzel and I mentioned this to him and he =
told me he received a report of a dead owl in a tree up side down about =
3 miles east to where this guy set his trap! =20

The trap location is easy to find.  Get off 53 on go west on 133 and =
drive thru the mix forest as soon as you get in the open bog there is =
large brush pile on the right side of the road and under the brush pile =
is a trap of some kind. I will be there tomorrow and I am going to stop =
and look down and see if another owl hit the trap. there are several =
owls along this stretch of road.  The man drove a ford red pick up with =
a black and white topper. It wasn't a new truck but a older truck and I =
did not get a license number as it was covered up in snow.

It is not illegal to set trap with a license and it is trapping season.  =
I have no idea what penalties I can get for accidentally killing an owl =
or owls.

Michael Hendrickson

Minnesota Birding Treks
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4>Today while leaving Sax Zim =
Bog along Co.=20
Rd 133 I saw a&nbsp;red truck pulled over on the west bound lane. As my =
approached I saw a man walk across the road and toss something in the =
air. I was=20
wondering what could he tossed in the air.&nbsp; All I saw was something =
give a=20
white flash and then the man walked backed to his truck.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4>I stopped opposite of him =
along the=20
shoulder and looked in the direction of where he tossed that object. =
What I saw=20
was a dead great grey owl hanging up side down in a tree over the =
ditch.&nbsp; I=20
looked at the truck and saw a small boy in a hunter orange hood look at =
me. I=20
asked him, " hey did you just hit that owl with your truck and toss it =
in the=20
tree" ?&nbsp; Then I saw the boy's father in the ditch next to or lamost =
under a=20
brush pile setting something with his hands. The man yelled " What did =
he say"?=20
and the boy repeated my question to the man and the man yelled at me " I =
the owl in the ditch and tossed it over to the other side".&nbsp; I =
looked at=20
him and watch his hands and noticed he was setting a trap with his hands =
mammals. The man looked agitated as I stared at him and I decided to =
drive off.=20
I could not reach the owl in the tree and I called a friend who might =
connections to get the owl carcass out of the tree.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4>As I think about it more the =
situation did not make sense to me. Why in the world would a person pick =
up a=20
owl near his trap and toss it over to the other side and in a tree? I =
figured out that the guy was using some sort of bait that attracted mice =
other small prey and the owl came in and hit the trap and set if off and =
the owl=20
died. Of course that made more sense than what this guy told me.&nbsp; =
What is=20
even stranger is I called Tony Hertzel and I mentioned this to him and =
he told=20
me he received a report of a dead owl in a tree up side down about 3 =
miles east=20
to where this guy set his trap!&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4>The trap location is easy to =
Get off 53 on&nbsp;go&nbsp;west on 133&nbsp;and drive thru the mix =
forest as=20
soon as you get in the open bog there is large brush pile on the right =
side of=20
the road and under the brush pile is a trap of some kind. I will be =
tomorrow and I am going to stop and look down and see if another owl hit =
trap. there are several owls along this stretch of road.&nbsp; The man =
drove a=20
ford red pick up with a black and white&nbsp;topper. It wasn't a new =
truck but a=20
older truck and I did not get a license number as it was covered up in=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4>It is not illegal to set trap =
with a=20
license and it is trapping season.&nbsp; I have no idea what penalties I =
can get=20
for accidentally killing an owl or owls.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4>Michael =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D4>Minnesota Birding Treks<BR><A =

