[mou] Solitaire (Chippewa Co.) & Eurasian Ccollared-Doves (Swift Co.)

JEBonkoski@aol.com JEBonkoski@aol.com
Tue, 28 Dec 2004 09:07:55 EST

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The Solitaire reported earlier in Chippewa Co. was refound yesterday, Dec  
27, in the same location as previously reported.  The Hawk Owl in that same  
vicinity was not found.
The two Eurasian Collared-Doves were refound in Appleton, and an amazing  
flock of 15 Eurasian Collared-Doves was seen in downtown Benson, MN (Swift  Co.)  
The flock of birds in Benson were seen from the parking lot just  southwest 
of the intersection of Highway 12 and State Highway 9.
The Varied Thrush reported earlier from Kandiyohi County was also seen  about 
1:00 pm on the 27th.
Jerry Bonkoski
Prior Lake, Scott Co.

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<DIV>The Solitaire reported earlier in Chippewa Co. was refound yesterday, D=
27, in the same location as previously reported.&nbsp; The Hawk Owl in that=20=
vicinity was not found.</DIV>
<DIV>The two Eurasian Collared-Doves were refound in Appleton, and an amazin=
flock of 15 Eurasian Collared-Doves was seen in downtown Benson, MN (Swift=20
Co.)&nbsp; The flock of birds in Benson were seen from the parking lot just=20
southwest of the intersection of Highway 12 and State Highway 9.</DIV>
<DIV>The Varied Thrush reported earlier from Kandiyohi County was also seen=20
about 1:00 pm on the 27th.</DIV>
<DIV>Jerry Bonkoski</DIV>
<DIV>Prior Lake, Scott Co.</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
