[mou] Varied Thrush in Falcon Heights

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Tue, 28 Dec 2004 09:26:06 -0600

The Varied Thrush was seen at 8:05 this morning.  It showed up on Sunday 
and was seen from 8:30-3:45 yesterday.  I talked with about 25 people, 
all of whom go at least a brief look.  While the bird was seen 
throughout the day, at times people waited for 20 - 30 minutes to see 
it.  It is quite skittish and flies when squirrels come near it.  Also 
its main feeding area is adjacent to the shortcut neighborhood kids take 
to get to the park and twice yesterday it flushed when kids went by.

While the neighbors are aware of the bird and its visitors, there is no 
need to go in someone else's year. Park on Summer street and come up the 
driveway and go alongside the garage.  The bird is sometimes under the 
feeder on the stump; sometimes under the trees in the yard on the left 
but mostly has been in the yard ahead of you.  Sometimes it will be 
under the feeder but if disturbed flies to the area along the wooden 
fence.  You can see that area very well without entering the next yard. 
 The bird is usually on the ground and can be quite difficult to see 
under the evergreens.  It does perch in the crabapple tree that still 
has a little fruit on it.  The tree is just behind the right side 
section of fence.

Summer Street is accessible only from Roselawn.  Take Prior south to 
Summer and right one block.  Tan house on the corner.  I will be gone 
most of the day.  Let me know if you saw the bird.  Several people got 
pictures yesterday.

Manley Olson
1974 W. Summer St.
Falcon Heights