[mou] Birds everywhere

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@BestBuy.com
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 08:27:51 -0600

The cold and now the snow has created a great variety of birds at my
feeders this past week. I have had sporadic visits from Common Redpolls,
a flock of 6; I have over wintering Mourning Doves, A White-throated
Sparrow, and a Fox Sparrow, as well as the usual suspects of Chickadees,
Goldfinches, House Finches, Cardinals, and Juncos.=20

Mark Alt
Manager of Project Management
Best Buy Co., Inc. Logistics
Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com <mailto:Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com>
(w) 612-291-6717
(Cell) 612.803.9085