[mou] Greater White-fronted/Canada Goose hybrid

Andrew D. Bicek bice0004@umn.edu
Sat, 7 Feb 2004 22:52:33 -0600

I was birding with Bob Holtz in Wright county today, and we found what
appears to be a hybrid greater white-fronted x canada goose on the
mississippi river at the montisippi park, 2 miles north of Monticello.  It
has the white "front" at the base of the bill, orangish legs, and its
general coloration is that of a greater white fronted goose, but it has a
faint remnant white chin strap, and its bill is dark gray/black like a
canada goose.

This is not the domesticated goose that others have reported near
monticello, as we found a domesticated bird farther down the river at the
swan viewing park on mississippi drive in monticello.  Also the bill's shape
on this bird is like a canada or greater white fronted and not knobby like a
domesticated goose.  This very well could be the Greater White-fronted goose
that was reported a couple weeks ago from monticello, as on first glance it
looks like a greater white-fronted but with a dark bill.  Upon closer
inspection with a scope you can make out the faint remnant chin strap behind
the eye.

Andy Bicek